In April of 2018, Kathy Au Croisier contacted Michael Katzman to create some kind of presentation for the upcoming 50th reunion. Michael volunteered to create a video which he only described as a nostaligic re-imagining of the fifty year-old Ceralbus yearbook.

About three weeks later, Michael submitted a sample to the 1968 Alumni Committee. Work proceeded almost up to the day of the event on October 6, 2018. The work involved scanning, colorizing, building the animation pieces, 3D rendering, and sound editing. Michael used Adobe Creative Suite (CS5) for most of the work.

Michael has worked with digital graphics since 1989, taught introduction to animation and gaming, and when not teaching high school English, taught video and theater production. His current long term video project is digitizing and editing 25 years of VHS tape from Lincoln and Bravo high school.

And his third novel, Forever My Teacher, will be available on Amazon December 2018